Friday, May 20, 2016

Hiring an SEO Consultant - Priya Jeev Trika

Search engine visibility doesn't occur as a result of happenstance, nay!

To attain good web ranking you will need to understand the dynamics at play and leverage them to your advantage . Because of the technicalities involved, you will need to consult the services of an SEO consultant. Before you go online and contact a renown SEO consultant such as Priya Jeev Trika, you need to interview your potential consultant. The questions that s/he will need to address are listed below:

What does your portfolio look like?

A portfolio is simply a list of clients that have been served by the consultant. At the bare minimum, your consultant should demonstrate the value added in each of their projects;

How do you intend to uplift my rankings?

Your consultant should adhere to web master best practices. This means they don't resort to tricks such as using bogus links and hidden text. You need to be in the picture on the practices employed by the consultant because if they resort to any unethical practice(s), your website could be penalized by being downgraded in ranking or even banned altogether;

Do you have experience in local search results?

The worldwide web is expansive! Your consultant should thus know how to optimize your business for local SEO which ensures that anyone in your city can view your website on the first page of Google or any other search engine;

Are there any client privileges?

Issues such as whether the consultant shares with the client all changes made on their website; clarity on whether the client has proprietary control over all new content; the frequency of communication between consultant and client etc need to be addressed. Respectable consultants such as Priya Jeev Trika will put such matters to rest before proceeding to the contract phase to avoid any future misunderstandings.

If your potential consultant passes this interview(sic) move on to discussing their terms and payments and when you agree to a contract, move aside and let your rankings sell your business.

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